
Am I Addicted to Cocaine?

Why do we feel that our lives should be constantly filled with excitement and adventure? Because of this pressure, many people will resort to thrill seeking to get their fix. But some of us might find unhealthy ways of finding them. When the signs are not as clear as the above situation, an addiction can be difficult to self-diagnose. Cocaine addicts may not always ask themselves an important question, “Am I addicted to this drug?”

There are different reasons why people use cocaine. These can range from built up pressure and stress, hiding from reality, or making up for a loss of energy. Despite the confusion on addiction, there are signs that can help with recognizing a cocaine true addiction.

Cocaine Addiction is Real

When used constantly, cocaine can become physically as well as psychologically addictive. At times, addicts do not realize that they are dependent and strung out on a particular drug. In addition to warning signs and symptoms, there are also health risks associated with a cocaine addiction. This article will focus on the signs and symptoms of a cocaine addiction, as well as withdrawal effects from the drug.

Physical Dependence of Cocaine

Because of its addicting factors, cocaine can easily become a daily habit and result in serious health risks. As said before, detecting an addiction can be a difficult task to do with yourself; however, not all signs of a cocaine addiction are as hidden as you may believe. Just like our parents and teachers always say, asking questions is a good way to finding answers to what you need. Two good starting questions to ask to determine a cocaine addiction are the following:

  • Is my body acting any different from before when I’m not using cocaine?
  • Is my day to day life changing in order to use cocaine the way I want to?

When a user has used a drug for a continued amount of time, the human body goes through a state of dependence. The ability to function and participate in everyday actions become more difficult as the addiction progresses. Another starting step to recognize if you may be an addict is to look for typical physical signs of dependency.
Some common physical signs and symptoms of a cocaine dependency include some of the following:

  • Dizziness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat.
  • Nausea.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Disassociation from family and friends.
  • Change in behavior.

Physical symptoms can differ from user to user. As a physical dependence advances, several cocaine addicts may experience the listed symptoms above or more.

When hooked on a drug, the addict will most likely not stop on his or her own. When all the serious signs are present and family and friend interventions have happened, an addict will still continue his or her use. The inability to stop is the true sign of an addict. When the point is reached where the individual is unable to imagine a life without using, that is when true help is truly needed; yet it can also be the jumping off point for entirely surrendering to rehabilitation.

Emotional and Mental Dependence of Cocaine

Regular cocaine users will also go through the conditions of being emotionally and mentally dependent. Cocaine is categorized as a psychotropic drug, meaning the compounds within the drug will primarily affect the functioning of the mind through action on the central nervous system. Working on the reward center of the brain, cocaine gives the user a rush of euphoria the same way it would if they were to accomplish a goal or attain something they really wanted. Cocaine feels like winning. The human brain can become dependent to an almost nonstop feeling of euphoria, which cocaine produces, and make it even harder to resist the hunger for it.

Just as the body can become reliant, the mind will wish for a constant feeling of happiness that is comes with cocaine. Some common signs and symptoms of an emotional and mental dependency to look for are as follows:

  • Anxiety.
  • Easily agitated.
  • Impatient.
  • Mood swings.
  • Difficult to process information.
  • A hunger for cocaine
  • Depression

Withdrawal Symptoms from Cocaine

Quitting cocaine does not happen overnight. When trying to quit, you can experience a handful of unpleasant withdrawals. Withdrawals are known as a set of physical and mental symptoms experienced when a substance is reduced or restrained to the body. The hunger for cocaine comes from the body trying to put a stop to the challenging symptoms it is experiencing.

A few symptoms of withdrawals for cocaine include the following:

  • Fatigue.
  • Chills.
  • Tremors
  • Muscle aches and body pain.
  • Increased craving for cocaine.
  • Irregular appetite.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  • Nightmares.

Withdrawals are experienced differently and occur when cocaine has been consistently used. A user will experience withdrawals as a biological response when the body has become familiar to a drug and then it is completely taken away. Regardless of the harmful health risks, withdrawals may push an addict to continue usage of cocaine. Since the cocaine high can decrease rather rapidly, withdrawal symptoms can follow soon after the last snort or injection.

Put a Stop to Cocaine Addiction

A cocaine addiction is a serious risk to put your body through. If you or someone you know may be going through a cocaine addiction, it is best to ask for help. Before the dangers from a cocaine addiction progress, professional help from treatment centers can be obtained to start a road to recovery. Recovery from a cocaine addiction is possible with professional help and guidance.

Last Updated on September 12, 2024


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