
Kratom Addiction: What is it and When to Get Help

The opioid epidemic is still in full effect and only on the rise. You may have turned to find a different source of quasi-legal drugs that produce similar effects of opioid use, including kratom.

Kratom is an addictive substance that has the same pain relief effects as opioids and other drugs that people use to try to substitute for their opioid addiction. It is often marketed as an energy booster, mood lifter, chronic pain reliever, or aid with withdrawal from opioids. Though not as strong in comparison to prescription opioid drugs, it is still highly addictive, and dangerous to consume recreationally.

While kratom is not listed under the Controlled Substances Act, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has identified kratom as a drug and chemical of concern and has not approved it for any official medical use .

The Severity of Kratom Addiction in America

You use kratom as a quick way to get high, with similar pain-relieving effects of opioids, due to the accessibility of buying it. With this easy way to purchase kratom, some use it as a gateway drug to access other illegal substances that will have a stronger effect than kratom.

Statistics show that if kratom is experimented with first, you are more likely to use other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. Substances that many in our community have come to struggle with, as opposed to those who do not use kratom. It is also documented that some users will mix kratom with other drugs to boost the effects of the high, which can result in overdose or death.

Common Forms of Kratom

The way kratom is marketed and sold is incredibly misleading. Companies selling these products online or in brick-and-mortar stores claim that kratom is a dietary supplement and has health benefits. The Food and Drug Administration insists that any drug products that contain kratom are on the market illegally in the U.S. It is not approved by the FDA as a dietary supplement and presents more risks to users than benefits .

Here are some of the most common forms of kratom:

  • Powder: Made from kratom leaves, the powder can be purchased in bulk and mixed with hot water or other liquids to create a tea, also known as “mud”.
  • Capsules: Kratom is often sold in pill form and marketed as a dietary supplement.
  • Extracts: Concentrated kratom is sold in the form of extracts and tinctures that can be exponentially stronger than its powder form.

Pathways to Kratom Addiction

It’s common to seek kratom as an aid to help with problems you may be struggling with, such as depression, and anxiety, or to become more active or motivated. While it may provide some short-term relief, the long-term effects of prolonged use of kratom far outweigh any benefit that may be had from the drug. It will only increase the issues you may be facing over time. You may also try to use it as a pain reliever for any aches or injuries you may have acquired, but in reality, negating the pain of something is not solving the issue at hand; rather, it is only addressing the associated symptoms.

Kratom Used as an Opioid Substitute

Kratom has recently been used as a substitute to combat opiate or opioid withdrawal. Though it may ease the discomfort of a harder drug temporarily, the moment you are done with the acute withdrawal symptoms of the substance you originally had quit, you will notice that you now have to deal with the consequences of using kratom to substitute a drug, leading to continued dependence issues.

Though it may not be as intense of a withdrawal, it is still a consequence of extended drug use. We recommended that you should quit cold turkey from drug dependency rather than trying to find a lesser solution. If you struggle with opioid use disorder, switching to kratom is merely choosing the lesser of two addictions. You can still become dependent on kratom and have to deal with the addiction symptoms.

Related: What Does Heroin Withdrawal Feel Like?

Seeking Stimulant Effects

In lower doses, kratom acts as a stimulant. Some kratom users seek this alternative to try and boost daily productivity but as they use it, they will slowly start to become more and more dependent on the substance until they double the amount they take to get the same desired amount of energy, which leads to an addiction to kratom.

Progressing to Sedation

In higher doses, kratom can be used as a sedative that will produce feelings of ease and euphoria that many seek when using kratom. This is often when addiction starts to set in. The chase of trying to feel less anxious, alleviating any pain or pressure, and trying to stay in a good state of mind, leads you to continually take kratom in higher doses daily.

This escalation of use leads to becoming dependent on the drug itself, trying to recreate the aforementioned feelings to the point that if kratom use is stopped, you will start to experience withdrawal. Often, you may begin using kratom as a gateway drug, to get started with your experimentation with drugs and see it as a lower platform to expand your use. With this narrative, you will escalate more quickly to use harder drugs than those who do not use kratom.

Causes and Risk Factors of Kratom Use

Many influences may cause you to indulge in using kratom. You may find that your friend group has started to experiment with kratom, other drugs, and/or alcohol and may want to fit in, so you try what is in front of them. Other users may have already tried other substances and want to further their research by trying something they view as foreign to them.

Some may be struggling with other mental health conditions that may cause a predisposition to drug abuse. Few may have been affected by an injury in the past and seek medications to use that they may not see as dangerous as opposed to what has been prescribed to them. Nonetheless, any narcotic remedy will have struggles after a long enough time of usage, and you should follow your recovery path as outlined if you have experienced an injury before.

The Progression From Kratom Use to Addiction

Noticing you or your loved one is starting to develop a kratom addiction can be difficult since it is not as strong or blatant as other substances, but many parents should stay alert to their child’s behavior to ensure that they are not developing an addiction to kratom.

When you start using a drug with a physical dependency, you may not realize that you are slowly becoming more and more addicted to the drug as time goes on. You may start with light, sporadic usage, stemming from indulging every couple of days. You will soon either up the dosage, how frequently you use it, or both. When this happens, physical dependency will be set in motion and may cause withdrawal when trying to quit, which makes the process of quitting kratom much harder.

Here are some signs of kratom addiction to look out for:

  • Being overly talkative
  • Having erratic or sometimes violent behaviors
  • Failing to uphold or show up for personal responsibilities
  • Isolation
  • Not engaging in activities that they used to enjoy
  • Agitation or irritability
  • Depressed mood
  • Emotional detachment

You or your loved one may display all of these behaviors and signs of addiction, while in others, only a few may occur.

Mixing Kratom With Other Substances

With kratom being so easily accessible, after first trying it, you may have your curiosity piqued to the point that you would like to partake in other substances. However, kratom has been reportedly very lethal when it comes into contact with other narcotics.

Many who use it as a stimulant may try and procure other stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamines, or crystal meth, and those who use it as a sedative may want to try and use opiates, heroin, or fentanyl. Many will often try to mix kratom with the drugs listed or other drugs to have an elevated high, which is where most of the reports of overdose stem from kratom usage.

The Mental Health Component

Even with mental health being an important topic in today’s world, you may be unable to open up about what you are struggling with, so you turn to find a solution that you view as easy and fast, without having to deal with your emotions. Various people who often struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders will often use substances like kratom to alleviate the feelings or challenges they find difficult to talk about. If you or someone you may know is starting to or is currently struggling with using kratom, or another substance use disorder, it is highly recommended to seek professional support, to gain a diagnosis and understand any other co-occurring disorders that may appear.

Related: Understanding the Link Between Mental Health and Addiction

Treating Kratom Addiction with Sober Living Programs at New Life House in Los Angeles

If your son or someone you know is struggling with kratom abuse or any other substance use disorder, please consider our Sober Living Programs at New Life House as the solution to their addiction. New Life House is a 12-step-based, age-specific, men’s recovery house, with locations around Los Angeles, California, that will set any person up for recovery and success. Not only from their active addiction to kratom but in life as well.

Our regimented addiction treatment process specializes in focusing on how to be a productive member of society, involves the families of the men that are here at the house and equips any man who comes into New Life House with the determination to conquer not only their disease but the outside world as well, with our guidelines for advancement in success.

Benefits of our Treatment Approach

We also offer an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and therapy through our partner company, Clear Behavioral Health. Clear specializes in individual treatment plans tailored to each person who enters our sober living homes. Our team of therapists and staff also help with dual diagnosis treatment to curate the best experience possible.

Those who enter the house will be met with like-minded peers, also struggling with the same addiction problems that you may enter New Life House for, cementing the tight-knit alumni community that serves as a prime safety net for all who complete the sober living program and graduate from the house.

Get Help for Kratom Addiction

Overshadowed by other addictions, you may not realize the severity of kratom use as an addiction. The ability to buy kratom so easily and so affordably has only amplified its use on a larger scale, causing kratom use to be on the rise. This can often lead to using other narcotics that may prove to be fatal if used for a prolonged amount of time.

If you or someone you know is struggling with using kratom or has another substance use disorder, there is always hope. Give us at New Life House a call today to learn more about our sober living homes for men around the Los Angeles area, since 1985. We provide support with drug and alcohol addiction treatment, relapse prevention, family healing, and a solution to this kratom problem that continues to affect our community.


  1. Kratom. (n.d.). DEA. https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/kratom
  2. Office of the Commissioner. (2024, August 5). FDA and Kratom. U.S. Food And Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/fda-and-kratom

Last Updated on October 24, 2024


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