Real Recovery Success Story
Ben SL.
For this week’s Real Recovery Success Story we spoke with Ben SL, a New Life House alumni who came into sobriety in dire straits. His life has been totally transformed as a result of his recovery, and he took some time to speak with us.
New Life House: What events took place that led you to seek help for your addiction?
Ben: I was put on a 51/50 hold twice in 1 year of college and had to take time off from school. I also didn’t want to keep going in and out of AA and knew that I couldn’t stay sober on my own or in just an outpatient program.
NLH: What was the hardest part about being newly sober?
Ben: I was on medication that did not allow me to feel connected to people, so in social settings I felt very uncomfortable. This also made the language of AA hard for me to interpret while newly sober.
NLH: What kind of work on yourself allowed you to get through these struggles?
Ben: Being shown unconditional love and care at the house even after having to hear about my defects from my peers gave me hope that I didn’t have to only exist in my own thoughts and insecurities anymore and that people understood me.
NLH: How much time sober do you have now?
Ben: Almost 2 ½ years.
NLH: I know you work in treatment yourself now. When did that begin?
Ben: I began working in treatment in June.
NLH: What has been your favorite part of working in Recovery so far?
Ben: I love being in a position to truly help people like myself.
NLH: How did going through the house set you up for success in this line of work?
Ben: It taught me how to trust God, clean house and help others on a daily basis. It also taught me how to see things through and stay consistent.
NLH: What are your goals for work for the next year?
Ben: To get my CAADAC certificate and continue to work at Clear Recovery Center and get experience with all areas of working in treatment.
NLH: What are your personal goals for the next year?
Ben: To make a lot of financial amends as well as build my community in and out of AA. I would also like to get back in to school to eventually get a Bachelor’s Degree.
NLH: If you could give someone who is new in treatment one piece of advice, what would it be?
Ben: I would tell them that if they are going to do the twelve steps to make sure they do a very thorough steps 1-3 before moving on to step 4.
Last Updated on September 11, 2024