
Our Son’s Transformation

Two parents tell their experience with New Life House and how it helped to introduce their son to a sober way of life.

Derek, our 27 year old son, became a house member of New Life House in November of 2012. At the time of this writing, he has graduated and has over 2 and a half years of sobriety. We could not be happier with the results.

When Derek first arrived, his life and that of our family was out of control. Derek’s behavior had resulted in his incarceration and upon his release; both my husband and I agreed that we did not want him back in our home disrupting our lives once more. It was one of the most difficult decisions we have ever made.

Fortunately, we were referred to New Life House and met with both the management and some house members. We felt a real sense of order and discipline there. This is exactly what Derek needed.

Over time we learned what makes this program so unique. It is that the management team as well as the house members and graduates work together. On a daily basis each individual member of the house is encouraged and supported by others to change their behavior in a positive way. The house members are with each other 24/7 and learn each individual’s strengths as well as their weaknesses. It is quite difficult to try and hide your mood and feelings when so many others are living with you. This allows the program to be tailored to each individual member’s situation and circumstances.

Today, Derek is the son we knew he was capable of being. We have loved him always but are so proud of what he has accomplished while being here. Derek is a changed young man, from his greatly improved outside appearance to his internal desire to give back and provide support and service to others who struggle with this disease. This is a remarkable change from when he first entered the house and was concerned only with himself and maintaining his destructive behavior. We are elated with his transformation. The majority of the credit must go to New Life House and their unique method of structured sober living, which instills responsibility and accountability in these young men.

Last Updated on September 12, 2024


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